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COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN DESIGN CD9211 CD 9211 | Model Question Paper | Previous Year Anna University Question Paper For M.E| Regulation 2009 Model Question Paper For ME Students|

Sunday, November 20, 2011 ·

First Semester 
Computer Aided Design 
(Common to M.E. CAD/CAM/M.E. Engineering Design and 
M.E. Product Design and Development) 
(Regulation 2009) 
Time : Three hours  Maximum : 100 Marks 
Answer ALL Questions 
PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 Marks) 
1. What happens to the pictures that are too large to fit on the screen?
2. What is Bezier and B-spline curves?
3. List down the limitations of CAD software.
4. What is the general structure of program to solve design problems?
5. What do you know about boundary representation scheme?
6. List down the importance of communication standards in solid modeling.
7. Mention the prismatic part creation features.
8. What is the principle behind visualization of parts?
9. What is important in mechanism simulation?
10. Why is tolerance analysis important in parts assembly?
PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 Marks) 
11. (a) (i) What is meant by homogeneous co-ordinate system for
transformations? What are its advantages? Explain. (8)
 (ii) What is meant by composite transformations? How  does it
achieved? Discuss.   (8)
(b) Explain the following :
 (i) World, screen and normalized coordinates. (8)
 (ii) 2D graphics primitives.   (8)
12. (a) What are the steps in interactive programs to solve design problems?
Describe each step briefly.   (16)
(b) What are the issues involved in design of a story board layout with
accompanying key frames for an animation of a single polyhedron?
Discuss in detail.   (16)
13. (a) (i) Make a note on sweep representations in solid modeling. (8)
 (ii) Discuss the term ‘‘Constructive Solid Geometry’’. (8)
(b) (i) Explain the consolidated features of data exchange standards. (8)
 (ii) Discuss the Boolean intersection operations with a block and a
cylinder.   (8)
14. (a) (i) Explain the depth-buffer (z-buffer) algorithm for hidden surface
removal.   (8)
 (ii) Explain the procedure to compute the z-values in two successive
locations in a scan-line and intersection positions on two successive
scan lines.   (8)
(b) Write an algorithm for generating a quad tree representation for the
visible surfaces of an object by applying the area subdivision tests to
determine the values of the quad tree elements. (16)
15. (a) (i) Discuss the hidden features of assembly modeling technique. (8)
 (ii) Explain the highlights of mass property calculations relevant to
parts assembly.   (8)
(b) Discuss the sequential steps in mechanism simulation and its important
features.    (16)


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