EE2301 Power Electronics Anna University Question Bank Question Paper Model Question Paper Important Questions 2 marks and 16 marks questions EE 2301 Power Electronics Anna University Question Bank Question Paper Model Question Paper Important Questions 2 marks and 16 marks questions |
1. Why IGBT is very popular nowadays? |
a. Lower hate requirements |
b. Lower switching losses |
c. Smaller snubber circuit requirements |
2. What are the different methods to turn on the thyristor? |
a. Forward voltage triggering |
b. Gate triggering |
c. dv/dt triggering |
d. Temperature triggerin g |
e. Light triggering |
3. What is the difference between power diode and signal diode? |
S.No. |
Power diode Signal diode |
1. |
Constructed with n-layer, called |
Drift region is not present. |
drift region between p+ layer and |
n+ layer. |
2. |
The voltage, current and power |
Lower |
ratings are higher. |
3. |
Power diodes operate at high |
Operates at higher switching speed. |
speeds. |
4. IGBT is a voltage controlled device. Why? |
Because the controlling parameter is gate-emitter voltage. |
5. Power MOSFET is a voltage controlled device. Why? |
Because the output (drain) current can b e controlled by gate-source voltage. |
6. Power BJT is a current controlled device. Why? |
Because the output (collector) current can be controlled by base current. |
7. What is the relation between a and ß? |
ß = a/1-a |
a = ß/1- ß |
8. What are the different types of power MOSFET? |
a. N-channel MOSFET |
b. P-channel MOSFET |
9. How can a thyr istor turned off? |
A thyristor can be turn ed off by making the current flowing through it to zero. |
unit-1 |
10. Define latching current. |
The latching current is defined as the minimum value of anode curr ent which it |
must attain during turn on process to maintain conduction when gate signal is removed. |
11. Define holding current. |
The holding cu rrent is defined as the minimum value of anode current below |
which it must fall to for turning off the thyristor. |
12. What is a snubber circuit? |
It consists of a series combination of a resistor and a capacitor in parallel with the |
thyristors. It is mainly used for dv / dt protection. |
13. What losses occur in a thyristor during working conditions? |
a. Forward conduction losses |
b. Loss due to leakage current during forward and reverse blocking. |
c. Switching losses at turn-on and turn-off. |
d. Gate triggering loss. |
14. Define hard-driving or over-drivin gate. |
When gate current is several times higher than the minimum gate cur rent |
required, a thyristor is said to be hard-fired or over-driven. Hard-firin g o f a thyristor |
reduces its turn-on time and enhances its di/dt capability. |
15. Define circuit turn off time. |
It is defined as the time during which a reverse voltage is applied across the |
thyristor during its commutation process. |
16. Wh y circuit turn off time should be greater than the thyristor turn -off time? |
Circuit turn off time should be greater than the thyristor turn-off time for reliable |
turn-off, otherwise the device may turn-on at an undesired instant, a process called |
commutation failure. |
17. What is the turn-off time for converter gr ade SCRs and inverter grade SCRs? |
Turn-off time fo r converter grade SCRs is 50 – 100 ms turn-off time for converter |
grade SCRs and inverter gr ade SCRs and for inverter grade SCRs is 3 – 50 ms. |
18. What are the adv antages of GTO over SCR? |
a. Elimination of commutation of commutating components in forced commutation, |
resulting in redu ction in cost, weight and volume. |
b. Reduction in acoustic noise and electromagnetic noise due to elimination of |
commutation chokes. |
c. Faster turn-off, p ermitting high switching frequencies. |
d. Improved efficiency of the converters. |
unit-2 |
9. What is meant by phase controlled rectifier? |
It convrts fixed ac voltage into variable dc voltage. |
20. Mention some of the applications of controlled rectifier. |
a. Steel rolling mills, printing press, textile mills and paper mills employing dc |
motor drives. |
b. DC traction |
c. Electro chemical and electro-metallurgical process |
d. Portable hand tool drives |
e. Magnet power supplies |
f. HVDC transmission system |
21. What is the function of freewheeling diodes in controlled rectifier? |
It serves two process. |
a. It prevents the output voltage from becoming negative. |
b. The load current is transferred from the main th yristors to the freewheeling diode, |
thereby allowing all of its thyristors to regain their blocking states. |
22. What are the adv antages of freewheeling diodes in a controlled in a controlled rectifier? |
a. Input power factor is improved. |
b. Load current wav eform is improved and thus the load performance is better. |
23. What is meant by delay angle? |
The delay angle is defined as the an gle between th e zero crossin g of the inp ut |
voltage and the instant the thyristor is fired. |
24. What are the adv antages of single phase bridge co nverter ov er single phase mid-point |
converter? |
a. SCRs are subjected to a peak-inverse voltage o f 2Vm in a fully controlled bridge |
rectifier. Hence for same voltage and currnt ratin gs of SCrs, power handled by |
mid-point configuration is about |
b. In mid-point converter, each secondary winding should be able to supply the load |
power. As such, the transformer rating in mid-point converter is double the load |
rating. |
25. What is commutation angle or overlap an gle? |
The commutation period when outgoing and incoming thyristors are conducting is |
known as overlap p eriod. The angular period, when both devices share con duction is |
known as the commutation angle or overlap angle. |
26. What are the different methods of firing circuits for line commutated converter? |
a. UJT firing circuit. |
b. The cosine wave crossing pulse timing control. |
c. Digital firing schemes. |
27. Give an expression for average voltage of single phase semiconverters. |
Average output voltage V |
= (V |
/ p) (1 + cos a ). |
dc |
m |
28. What is meant by input power factor in controlled rectifier? |
The input power factor is defined as the ratio of the total mean input power to the |
total RMS input volt-amperes. |
PF = ( V |
I |
cos f |
) / ( V |
I |
where V |
= phase voltage, I |
= fundamental |
) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
rms |
rms |
1 |
1 |
component of the supply current, f |
= input |
displacement angle, I |
= supply rms current. |
1 |
rms |
29. What are the adv antages of six pulse converter? |
a. Commutation is made simple. |
b. Distortion on the ac side is reduced due to the reduction in lower order harmonics. |
c. Inductance reduced in series is considerably r educed. |
30. What is meant by commutation? |
It is the process of changing the direction of cur rent flow in a particular path of |
the circuit. This process is used in thyristors for tu rning it off. |
31. What are the types of commutation? |
a. Natural commutation |
b. Forced commutation |
32. What is meant by natural commutation? |
Here the current flowing through the thyristor goes through a natural zero and |
enable the thyristor to turn off. |
33. What is meant by forced commutation |
In this commutation, the current flowing through the thyristor is forced to become zero by ex ternal circuitry. |
34. What is meant by dc chopper? |
A dc chopper is a high speed static switch used to obtain variable dc voltage from |
a constant dc voltage. |
35. What are the applications of dc chopper? |
a. Battery operated vehicles |
b. Traction motor control in electric traction |
c. Trolly cars |
d. Marine hoists |
e. Mine haulers |
f. Electric braking. |
36. What are the applications of dc chopper? |
Chopper provides |
a. High efficien cy |
b. Smooth acceleration |
c. Fast dynamic response |
d. Regen eration |
37. What is meant by step-up and step-down chopper? |
In a step- down chopper or Buck converter, the av erage output voltage is less than |
the input voltage. In a step- up chopper or Boost converter, the average output voltage is |
more than the input voltage. |
38. Write down the expression for average output voltage for step do wn chopper. |
Average output voltage for step down chopper V |
= a V |
, a is the duty cycle |
0 |
s |
39. Write down the expression for average output voltage for step up chopper. |
Average output voltage for step down chopper V |
= V |
, a is the duty cycle |
0 |
s |
1- a |
40. What is meant by duty- cycle? |
Duty cycle is defined as the ratio of the on time of the chopper to the total time |
period of the chopp er. It is denoted by |
a |
. |
41. What are the two types of control strategies? |
a. Time Ratio Control (TRC) |
b. Current Limit Control method (CLC) |
42. What is meant by TRC? |
In TRC, the value of T |
/ T is varied in order to change the average output |
on |
voltage. |
43. What are the two types of TRC? |
a. Constant frequency control |
b. Variable frequ ency control |
44. What is meant by FM control in a dc chopper? |
In frequency modulation control, the chopping frequency f (or the chopping |
period T) is varied. Here two controls are possible. |
a. On-time T |
is kept constant |
on |
unit-3 |
b. Off period T |
is kept constant. |
off |
45. What is meant by PWM control in dc chopper? |
In this control method, the on time Ton is varied but chopping frequency is kept |
constant. The width of the pulse is varied and hence this type of control is known as Pulse |
Width Modulation (PWM). |
46. Write down the expression for the average output voltage for step down and step up |
chopper. |
Average output voltage for step down chopper is V |
= |
a |
V |
. Average output |
O |
S |
voltage for step up chopper is V |
= |
a |
V |
x [1/ ( 1- |
a |
)]. |
O |
S |
47. What are the different types of chopper with respect to commutation process? |
a. Voltage commutated cho pper. |
b. Current commutated chopper. |
c. Load commutated chopper. |
48. What is meant by voltage commutation? |
In this process, a charged capacitor momentarily reverse biases the conducting |
thyristor and turn it off. |
49. What is meant by current commutation? |
In this process, a current pulse is made to flow in the reverse direction through |
the conducting thyristor and when the n et thyristor current becomes zero, it is turned off. |
50. What is meant by load commutation? |
In this process, the load current flowing through the thyristor either becomes zero |
or is transferred to another device from the conducting thyristor. |
51. What are the adv antages of current commutated chopper? |
a. The capacitor always remains char ged with the correct polarity. |
b. Commutation is reliable as load current is less than the peak commutation current |
I |
. |
CP |
c. The auxiliary thyristor T |
is naturally commutated as its current passes through |
A |
zero value. |
52. What are the adv antages of load commutated chopper? |
a. Commutating inductor is not required. |
b. It is capable of commutating an y amount of load current. |
c. It can work at high frequencies in the order of kHz. |
d. Filtering requirements are minimal. |
53. What are the disadvantages of load commutated chopper? |
a. For high power applications, efficien cy becomes very low because of high |
switching losses at high operating frequencies. |
b. Freewheeling diode is subjected to twice the supply voltage. |
c. Peak load voltage is equal to twice the supply voltage. |
d. The commutating capacitor has to carry full load current at a frequency of half |
chopping frequency. |
e. One thyristor pair should be turned-on only when the other pair is commutated. |
This can be realized by sensing the capacitor current that is alternating. |
54. What is meant by inverter? |
A device that converts dc power into ac power at desired output voltage and |
frequen cy is called an inverter. |
55. What are the applications of an inverter? |
a. Adjustable speed drives |
b. Induction heating |
c. Stand-by aircraft power supplies |
d. UPS |
e. HVDC transmission |
56. What are the main classification of inverter? |
a. Voltage Source Inverter |
b. Current Source Inverter |
57. Wh y thyristors are not preferred fo r inverters? |
Thyristors require extra commutation circuits for turn off which results in |
uncreased complexity of the circuit. For these r easons thyristors are not preferred for |
inverters. |
58. How output frequen cy is varied in case of a thyristor? |
The output frequency is varied by varying the turn off time of the th yristors in the |
inverter circuit, i.e. the delay angle of th e thyristors is varied. |
59. Give two advantages of CSI. |
a. CSI does not require any feedback diodes. |
b. Commutation circuit is simple as it involves only thyristors. |
60. What is the main drawback of a single phase half bridge inverter? |
It require a 3-wire dc supply. |
61. Wh y diodes should be connected in antiparallel with thethyristors in inverter circuits? |
For RL loads, load current will not be in phase with load voltage and the diodes |
connected in antiparallel will allow the current to flow when the main thyristors are |
turned off. These diodes are called feedback diodes. |
62. What types of inverters require feedback diodes? |
VSI with RL load. |
63. What is meant a series inverter? |
An inverter in which the commutating elements are connected in series with the |
load is called a series inverter. |
64. What is the condition to be satisfied in the selection of L and C in a series inverter? |
2 |
R |
< 4L/C |
65. What is meant a parallel inverter? |
An inverter in which the commutating elements are connected in parallel with the |
load is called a parallel inverter. |
66. What are the applications of a series inverter? |
The thyristorised series inverter produces an approximately sinusoidal waveform |
at a high output frequen cy, ranging from 200 Hz to 100kHz. It is commonly used for |
fixed output applications such as |
a. Ultrasonic generator. |
b. Induction heating. |
c. Sonar Transmitter |
unit-4 |
d. Fluorescent lighting. |
67. How is the inverter circuit classified based on commutation circuitry? |
a. Line commutated inverters. |
b. Load commutated inverters. |
c. Self commutated inverters. |
d. Forced commutated inverters. |
68. What is meant by McMurray inverter? |
It is an impulse commutated inverter which relies on LC cir cuit and an aux iliary |
thyristor for commutation in the load circuit. |
69. What are the applications of a CSI? |
a. Induction heating |
b. Lagging VAR compensation |
c. Speed control of ac motors |
d. Synchronous motor starting. |
70. What is meant by PWM control? |
In this method, a fixed dc input voltage is given to the inverter and a controlled |
ac output voltage is obtained by adjusting the on and off periods of th e inverter |
components. This is the most popular method of controlling the output voltage and this |
method is termed as PWM control. |
71. What are the adv antages of PWM control? |
a. The output voltage can be obtained without any additional components. |
b. Lower order harmonics can be eliminated or minimized along with its output |
voltage control. As the higher order harmonics can be filtered easily, the filtering |
requirements are minimized. |
72. What are the disadvantages of the harmonics present in the inverter system? |
a. Harmonic currents will lead to excessive heating in the induction motors. This |
will reduce the load carrying capacity of the motor. |
b. If the control and the regulating circuits are not pr operly shielded, harmonics from |
power ride can affect their operation and malfunctioning can result. |
c. Harmonic currents cause losses in the ac system and can even some time produce |
resonance in the system. Under resonant conditions, the instrumentation and |
metering can be affected. |
d. On critical loads, torque pulsation produced b y the harmonic current can be |
useful. |
73. What are the methods of reduction of harmonic content? |
a. Transformer connections |
b. Sinusoidal PWM |
c. Multiple commutation in each cycle |
d. Stepped wave inverters |
74. Compare CSI and VSI. |
S. No. VSI CSI |
1. |
Input voltage is maintained |
Input current is constant but |
constant |
adjustable |
2. |
The output voltage does not |
The output current does not depend |
depend on the load |
on the load |
3. |
The magnitude of the output |
The magnitude of the output voltage |
current and its waveform |
and its waveform depends on the |
depends on the nature of the |
nature of the load impedance |
load impedance |
4. |
It requires feedback diodes It does not requires feedback diodes |
5. Commutation circuit is |
Commutation circuit is simple i.e. it |
complicated i.e. it contains |
contains only capacitors. |
capacitors and inductors. |
75. What are the disadvantages of PWM control? |
SCRs are expensive as they must possess low turn-on and turn-off times. |
76. What does ac voltage controller mean? |
It is device which converts fixed alternating voltage into a variable voltage |
without change in frequency. |
77. What are the applications of ac voltage controllers? |
a. Domestic and industrial heating |
b. Lighting control |
c. Speed control of single phase and three phase ac motors |
d. Transformer tap changing |
78. What are the adv antages of ac voltage controllers? |
a. High efficien cy |
b. Flexibility in control |
c. Less mainten ance |
79. What are the disadvantages of ac voltage controllers? |
The main draw b ack is the introduction of harmonics in the supply current and the |
load voltage waveforms particularly at low output voltages. |
80. What are the two methods of control in ac voltage controllers? |
a. ON-OFF control |
b. Phase control |
81. What is the difference between ON-OFF control and phase control? |
ON-OFF control: In this method, the thyristors are employed as |
switches to connect the load circuit to the source for a few cycles of the load voltage and |
disconnect it for another few cycles. Phase control: In this method, thyristor switches |
connect the load to the ac source fo r a portion of each half cycle o f input voltage. |
82. What is the advantage of ON-OFF control? |
Due to zero-voltage and zero current switching of thyristors, the harmonics |
generated by the switching action are reduced. |
83. What is the disadvantage of ON-OFF control? |
This type of control is applicable in systems that have high mechanical inertia and |
high thermal time constant. |
84. What is the duty cycle in ON-OFF control method? |
Duty cycle K = n/ (n + m), where n = no. of ON cycles, m = no. of OFF cycles. |
85. What is meant by unidirectional or half-wave ac v oltage controller? |
Here the power flow is controlled only during the positive half-cycle of the input |
voltage. |
86. What are the disadvantages of unidirectional or half-wave ac voltage controller? |
a. Due to the presence of diode on the circuit, the control range is limited and the |
effective RMS output voltage can be varied between 70.7% and 100%. |
b. The input current and output voltage are asymmetrical and contain a dc |
component.If there is an input transformer, sdatur ation problem will occur |
c. It is only used for low power resistive load. |
unit-5 |
87. What is meant by bidirectional or half-wav e ac vo ltage controller? |
Here the power flow is controlled during both cycles of the input voltage. |
88. What is the control range of firing angle inac voltage controller with RL load? |
The control range is |
F |
< |
a |
<180 |
° |
, where |
F |
= load power factor an gle. |
89. What type of gating signal is used in single phase ac voltage controller with RL load? |
High frequen cy carrier gating signal is used for single ph ase ac voltage controller |
with RL load. |
90. What are the disadvantages of continuous gating signal? |
a. More heating of the SCR gate. |
b. Increases the size of pulse transformer. |
91. What is meant by high frequency carrier gating? |
Thyristor is turned on by using a train of pulses fro m |
a |
to |
p |
. This type of signal |
is called as high frequency carrier gating. |
92. What is meant by sequen ce control of ac voltage regulators? |
It means that the stages of voltage controllers in parallel triggered in a proper |
sequence one after the other so as to obtain a variable output with low harmonic content. |
93. What are the adv antages of sequence control of ac voltage regulators? |
a. System power factor is improved. |
b. Harmonics are reduced in the source current and the load voltage. |
94. What is meant by cyclo-converter? |
It conv erts input power at one frequency to output power at another frequency |
with one-stage conv ersion. Cycloconverter is also known as frequency chan ger. |
95. What are the two types of cyclo-converters? |
a. Step-up cyclo-conv erters |
b. Step-down cyclo-converters |
96. What is meant by step-up cyclo-converters? |
In these converters, the output frequency is less than the supply frequ ency. |
97. What is meant by step-down cyclo-con verters? |
In these converters, the output frequency is more than the supply frequency. |
98. What are the applications of cyclo-converter? |
a. Induction heating |
b. Speed control of high power ac drives |
c. Static VAR generation |
d. Power supply in aircraft or ship boards |
99. What is meant by positive converter group in a cycloconverter? |
The part of the cycloconverter circuit that permits the flow of current during |
positive half cycle of output current is called positive converter group. |
100.What is meant by negative converter group in a cycloconverter? |
The part of the cycloconverter circuit that permits the flow of current during negative half |
cycle of output current is called negative converter group. |
1.Draw the two transistor model of SCR and derive an expression for anode current. |
Ans: |
• |
Schematic diagram (2M) |
• |
Two transistor model diagram (2M) |
• |
Operation (4M) |
2.Explain the characteristics of SCR |
Ans: |
• |
Equivalent circuit |
• |
V-I characteristics |
• |
Switching characteristics |
3.Describe the various methods of thyristor turn on. |
Ans: |
• |
Forward voltage triggering |
• |
The dv/dt triggering |
• |
Gate triggering |
• |
Temperature triggerin g |
• |
Light triggering |
4.Explain the operation of MOSFET |
Ans: |
• |
Basic structure, symbol |
• |
Operation |
• |
V-I characteristics, Switching characteristics |
5.Explain the operation of IGBT |
Ans: |
• |
Basic structure, symbol |
• |
Operation |
• |
V-I characteristics, Switching characteristics |
6.Derive the expressions for average output voltage and rms output voltage of 1 |
semiconverter. |
Ans: |
• |
1 semiconverter bridge circuit |
• |
waveforms of v |
, i |
, i |
, i |
, V |
, V |
o |
o |
fd |
s |
T1 |
T2 |
• |
Operation |
• |
Average output voltage, rms value of output voltage expression |
7.Describe the working of 1 fully controlled bridge converter in the Rectifying mode |
and inversion mode. And derive the expressions for average output voltage and rms |
output voltage. |
Ans: |
• |
1 full converter bridge circuit |
• |
waveforms of v |
, i |
, i |
, i |
, V |
, V |
o |
o |
fd |
s |
T1 |
T2 |
UNIT-1 |
UNIT-2 |
Operation for a < 90 |
, a > 90 |
Average output voltage, rms value of output voltage expression |
• |
• |
UNIT-2 |
8. Describe the working of 3 fully controlled bridge converter in the Rectif ying mode |
and inversion mode. And derive the expressions for average output voltage and rms |
output voltage. |
Ans: |
• |
3 full converter bridge circuit |
• |
waveforms of v |
, i |
, i |
, v |
o |
o |
A |
s |
• |
Operation |
• |
Average output voltage expression |
9.Describe the working of 3 semi converter. And derive the expressions for average |
output voltage and rms output voltage. |
Ans: |
• |
3 semi converter bridge circuit |
• |
waveforms of v |
, i |
, i |
, v |
o |
o |
A |
s |
• |
Operation |
• |
Average output voltage expression |
10. Describe the working of Dual converter. |
Ans: |
• |
3 dual converter bridge circuit |
• |
waveforms of v |
, i |
, v |
, v |
, i |
, i |
v |
i |
o |
o |
o1 |
o2 |
1 |
2 , |
s , |
c |
• |
Operation for with circulating current and without circulating current |
• |
load voltage expression, peak value i |
cp |
11. FOR A Type A chopper (first quad rant), express the following v ariables as a function |
of Vs, R and duty cycle a in case the load is resistive average output voltage and |
current. |
Ans: |
• |
chopper circuit |
• |
output voltage & current waveforms |
• |
Average load voltage expression |
12.Describe the principle of step-up chopper. Derive an expression for the average output |
voltage in terms of input dc voltage & duty cycle. |
Ans: |
• |
chopper circuit |
• |
output voltage & current waveforms |
• |
Average load voltage expression |
13.Describe the working of four quad rant chopper. . |
Ans: |
UNIT-3 |
chopper circuit |
operation |
• |
• |
14.Explain the working of current commutated chopper with aid of cir cuit diagram and |
necessary wav eforms. Derive an expression for its output voltage. |
Ans: |
• |
chopper circuit |
• |
Modes of operation- equivalent circuit diagrams |
• |
Current & voltage waveforms |
• |
Design |
15. Explain the working of voltage commutated chopper with aid of circuit diagram and |
necessary wav eforms. Derive an expression for its output voltage. |
Ans: |
• |
chopper circuit |
• |
Modes of operation- equivalent circuit diagrams |
• |
Current & voltage waveforms |
• |
Design of C & L |
16.Describe the operation of series inverter with aid of diagrams. Describe an |
expression for output frequency, current and voltages. What are the disadvantages of |
basic series inverter? |
Ans: |
• |
series inverter circuit |
• |
Current & voltage waveforms |
• |
Operation |
• |
Expression for output frequency, V |
, V |
L |
C |
18. State different methods of voltage control inverters. Describe about PWM control in |
inverter. |
Ans: |
• |
External control of ac output voltage |
• |
External control of dc input voltage |
• |
Internal control of Inverter |
PWM inverter |
• |
Single pulse modulation |
• |
Multiple pulse modulation |
• |
Sinusoidal pulse modulation |
0 |
19. Explain the operation of 3 bridge inverter for 180 |
degree mode of operation with aid |
of relevant phase and line voltage wav eforms. |
Ans: |
• |
Inverter circuit |
• |
operation- equivalent circuits |
• |
Waveforms of phase and line voltage |
UNIT-4 |
0 |
20. Explain the operation of 3 bridge inverter for 120 |
deeger mode of operation with aid |
of relevant phase and line voltage wav eforms. |
Ans: |
• |
Inverter circuit |
• |
operation- equivalent circuits |
• |
Waveforms of phase and line voltage |
21. Draw the circuit diagram of 1 auto sequential commutated current source inverter |
and explain its operation with equivalent circuits for diffrent modes and necessary |
waveforms. |
Ans: |
• |
Inverter circuit |
• |
Modes of operation- equivalent circuits |
• |
Waveforms of i |
, v |
i |
c |
c , |
o |
• |
Expression for t |
, v |
, v |
c |
c |
L |
22.Draw the circuit diagram of 1 capacitor commutated current source inverter |
and explain its operation with equivalent circuits for differ ent modes and necessary |
waveforms. |
Ans: |
• |
Inverter circuit |
• |
Modes of operation- equivalent circuits |
• |
Waveforms of i |
, v |
i |
i |
i |
v |
v |
c |
o , |
o, |
T1, |
T2, |
T1, |
T2 |
• |
Expression for v |
, v |
, v |
i |
t |
c |
L |
o , |
o, |
c |
23.Explain the operation of multistage control of AC voltage controllers with neat |
diagram. |
Ans: |
• |
Circuit diagram |
• |
Operation |
24.Explain the operation of 1 AC voltage controller with RL load. |
Ans: |
• |
Circuit diagram |
• |
Operation |
• |
Waveforms |
• |
25.Explain the operation of sequence control of AC voltage controller.. |
Ans: |
• |
Circuit diagram |
• |
Operation |
• |
Waveforms |
UNIT-4 |
Ans: |
• |
Circuit diagram |
• |
Operation |
• |
Waveforms |
27. For a 1 voltage controller, feeding a resistive load, draw the waveforms of source |
voltage, gating signals, output voltage and voltage across the SCR. Describe the |
working with reference to wavefo rms drawn. |
Ans: |
• |
Circuit diagram |
• |
Operation |
• |
Waveforms |
26. Explain the operation of 1 sinusoidal AC voltage controller.. |
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